From The Deacon’s Desk – February 2017

As we enter the new year the Deacons are extremely grateful for the financial and volunteer support from the congregation of our Christmas basket project and our upcoming program of work for the congregation in 2017. With your help we enter the year with sufficient resources to maintain our ministries of emergency medicines and food for the upcoming year together with the more pedestrian but equally important functions of church receptions and flowers to hospitalized and shut-in members of the congregation. As Nancy Boesdorfer said in last month’s Chimes, may God continue to richly bless our church and church family in the year to come. We would like to especially thank the collective women’s circles of the church for their generous donation to our Christmas basket project from the proceeds of their cookie walk. We are planning a reception on February 12 following the ordination in our church of Rachel Riggle (yay, Rachel!) Rachel is transitioning from a position as interim youth pastor in Columbia, MO to become the pastor of a church in Winona, MN in early March. Watch the upcoming Chimes and weekly bulletins for the time of service of ordination. The reception will be immediately following. Come help us celebrate this big event. …and for your calendars: ? We will plan a congregational brunch for Palm Sunday, April 9. Watch this space for further details. ? The all-Church picnic will be held on September 10 at the Hideaway in Kennekuk County Park.
In Christ’s service,
Bill Garrison